When I was a kid, I didn’t know what my beliefs were, so I had a habit of constantly asking why. I questioned my mom and dad repeatedly on the things I didn’t understand. They patiently answered my questions and encouraged me to keep asking. If you’re a...
When it comes to dealing with HVAC customer and employee problems, the famous quote, “We have met the enemy, and he is us,” by the comic strip character, Pogo, said it all. Some time ago, I was following a conversation on one of the HVAC Industry...
About 10 years ago, a book titled, “Blue Ocean Strategy” was published by the Harvard Business Review Press. When I first read this book I recognized the things that we’d been doing at NCI for the previous 10 years were actually part of a blue ocean strategy. Our blue...
Picture yourself troubleshooting the following CO call and think about the pattern that’s followed. Remember, you’re going to be the hero on this call! The Call Long-time customers of yours, the Smith family, have recently moved into a new home. The previous...
There is so much more to installing a static pressure testing port than meets the eye. It involves drilling – a scary thing for both your service technicians and homeowner customers. The art of installing these ports involves more than the hardware and...