It’s unfortunate there are still some in our industry who don’t see static pressure measurement as an opportunity. Instead, they view it as smoke and mirrors, hocus pocus, and something extra to do on each call. The readings aren’t valuable to them. What if I could...
Chances are high that you’ve encountered disastrous equipment replacement jobs you’d love to forget. Whether it’s the customer who now has high humidity issues, or the system that can’t maintain temperature anymore — we’ve all experienced them. In many of these...
If you talk to anyone experienced in measuring static pressure, they will admit they’ve dealt with inconclusive and goofy readings that didn’t make sense. This typically results in a frustrating, but rewarding day, because they learned something they won’t forget....
One of my favorite fictional characters growing up was Sherlock Holmes. Holmes was an extraordinary detective with a gift for finding clues of a mystery others completely missed. His confidence, observational skills, and attention to detail added an extra appeal to...
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is one of those scary issues that most HVAC professionals hope to never encounter. As with many frightening things we want to avoid, this doesn’t make those issues go away. The threat is very real even though a blind eye is often turned...