A recent evaluation of several hundred commercial rooftop systems around the country exposed a hidden flaw that deteriorates system efficiency up to 40% — Rooftop equipment curbs. Let’s take a look at how you can quickly diagnose and solve curb problems you may...
A service manager reviewing the week’s service records called me to report a tell-tale pattern he discovered. He found most technicians consistently repeat the same 10 to 15 repairs. Let’s take a look at the impact on your customers and company when technicians slip...
For five decades air balancing has been specified by mechanical engineers on nearly every commercial project. In recent years, air balancing has moved into the energy efficiency market as a method of verifying the operating performance of both residential and...
When replacing HVAC equipment, better service companies offer duct upsize and system performance upgrades as an option to their customers. These upgrades allow the duct system to perform closer to the level of efficiency claimed by the equipment manufacturer. Let’s...
When testing and diagnosing the operation and performance of an HVAC system, the timing and measurement are critical. Ideally, the system should be calling for full heating or cooling, and fan speed so it can reach a stable operating condition. Let’s take a closer...
When it comes to ethics, I love to tell this story. I once called a plumbing service company to investigate a leak in our shower above the kitchen. They quoted me $195.00 for the work. Two hours later I had five holes in my kitchen ceiling, a messy bathroom, and no...