Weil I’ve Got Your Attention …

Weil I Have Your Attention Communications is a key component to the National Comfort Institute (NCI). This membership organization focuses on helping to raise the bar of professionalism in the HVAC industry. How? By training contractors how to make performance-based contracting a part of their firm’s product and service repertoire.

Communciations Technology

Communications technology is changing the HVAC Industry. This includes everything from print to social media. My job is to deliver to our members the information they want and need in the format and medium in which they wish to consume it.

I joined NCI in September 2014, after a 34-year career with Penton Media, Inc. In that role, I was editorial director of Contracting Business.com and HPAC Engineering magazines.

My New Communications Role

Today I serve the members of this fine organization in the role of vice president of communications. This basically means I’m responsible for delivering NCI messaging, news, reports, and information. I will do that via print, webinars, online, social media, and live events.

Therefore I hope this blog, which most likely will parallel my 30,000-foot perspective on the industry gained from being an editor, will both inform and maybe amuse you.

So Weil (while) I have your attention, welcome to my blog page. Please feel free to comment here or at any of my social media outlets.